Notes on Fiber Optic Media

Notes on Fiber Optic Media

If you’ve worked with fiber optics, you know that optical fiber is resistant to noise and outside interference- unlike copper. Thus, we only have one concern when dealing with fiber optic cable: keeping the signal strength strong. Since we don’t have to 
worry about interference, we can cable fiber optic media much farther than twisted-pair cable.

We noted earlier that computers communicate with high values and low values. However, it would be more accurate to claim that they instead communicate via “on” and “off” indications. Fiber optic media uses light to signal this on or off state.
You’ll generally want to use fiber optic cable when copper media proves to be too limited for long distances, or noisy environments. It may cost a little more, but the speed and efficiency fiber optic cable provides is well worth it. And in longer cable runs, fiber optic cable will actually cost less than copper media.

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