How to Avoid Signal Attenuation

How to Avoid Signal Attenuation

Attenuation is the decrease in signal amplitude. If we have a small signal, it becomes increasingly harder to decipher the signal. Much like a yell is easier to understand that a faint whisper, computers appreciate healthy signal amplitudes.

Signal Attenuation

You’ll notice in the above diagram that as distance increases, amplitude decreases. This becomes a problem since computers communicate in this instance via two values; high values and low values. Since the high value becomes increasingly similar to a low value, the signal will eventually become worthless for communication.
Several factors create attenuation- mostly resistance in the copper wire and leaked signal energy. So to fix the problem, we try to stick with the recommended cable lengths. If you indeed need a longer cable run, you may clean the signal by adding a repeater, switch, router, or other devices to your network so that the signal can be regenerated.
It’s also important to note that as frequency (the number of cycles a second) increases, so does the noise and interference.

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